In Direct Sat TV, you will get hundreds channels without any cable and you can save your monthly bucks. You have some choice so you can make the selection of what's most important to you. There are; PREMIER (265+ channels, Free or 5 months), Plus HD DVR (200+ channels, including 65XM Satellite Radio Channels), PLUS DVR (200+ Channels), CHOICE XTRA (200+ Channels, including 65XM satellite radio channels), CHOICE (150+ channels, including 49XM satellite radio channels), FAMILY (45+ channels with parental controls & programming suitable for all ages), Locals (Complete Local Channels Listings), and International Packages (From Around the Globe). If you stay in California, you can try to visit Direct TV in California and get full listing of the best cable or satellite TV provider in California. Remember, always choose the TV provider that's right for you. Have a nice day and good luck...
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