I found a great stuff from Internet a few hours ago. What is that? It is a
rainwater tanks, a good innovation of water sanitation technology. Now, check it out, what is going on with your rainwater tanks? The fact; leaves, dirt, bird droppings, salt and other pollution builds up on your roof and gutters, so, it is very important to keep the water clean and save when collecting rainwater. Rainwater tanks has a system called
first- flush filter. It is a perfect system that will automatically divert the first polluted water from the roof when it rains.
I hope the information is useful for you. For more information about this stuff you can visit
rainwater tanks site. You will get more details about the system and how it works? Always to remember, you should always check the quality of the water in your tanks before you drinking it. Good luck!!!
inovasi baru, mudah-mudahan bisa dimanfaatkan sebaik mungkin, hasilnya bisa bersih pasti yah. bisa diminum juga? wah kayaknya harus cek dulu kualitas air itu ke lab dan minta izin depkes..hehehehe
bentar bawa kamus dulu ahhhhhh
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