Order Chiroptera : Family
Molossidae : Nyctinomops macrotis (Gray)

Similar to the Brazilian free-tailed bat, Tadarida brasiliensis, but much larger; ratio of foot to tibia about 53; second joint of fourth finger 2.5 mm in length; ears large, and joined at their bases for a short distance over forehead; upperparts ranging from light reddish brown to rich dark brown; underparts similarly colored, but paler. Dental formula as in Tadarida brasiliensis. External measurements average: total length, 134 mm; tail, 51 mm; foot, 9 mm; ear, 25 mm; forearm, 61 mm. Weight (non-pregnant females in June), 22 g; of fat, October-taken, non-gravid females, 24-30 g.
Widely, but seemingly sparingly distributed from Iowa and southwestern British Columbia, in the north, southward through Mexico and the West Indies as far as Uruguay in South America. Known in Texas from scattered localities in the Trans-Pecos, Panhandle, and southeastern portion of the state.
This bat is rare in collections and little is known of its habits. In Texas, these bats have been recorded primarily from the Trans-Pecos where they seem to be seasonal inhabitants of rugged, rocky country in both lowland and highland habitats. With the exception of a single specimen from San Patricio County, which was found hanging on a screen door at the Welder Wildlife Refuge in December of 1959, no winter records of this species have been recorded for Texas. In summer, a segregation of sexes apparently occurs, as evidenced by the fact that few males have been taken in the Trans-Pecos.

Another maternity colony is thought to be in McKittrick Canyon in the Guadalupe Mountains National Park. In June, 1968 and August, 1970, Richard LaVal netted 14 N. macrotis at a pool 8 km inside the canyon, where steep walls rise nearly 540 m above the narrow canyon floor. In this section of the canyon the bats were heard vocalizing from far above the floor. All individuals captured were females. Eight of the 12 taken in June contained a single large embryo each. One of the two females captured in August was lactating.

David Easterla and John Whitaker, Jr. examined the stomach contents of 49 N. macrotis and reported that by far the most important food items found were the bodies of large moths. The only other items regularly found were the remains of crickets and longhorn grasshoppers. Other items the bats had consumed were flying ants, stink bugs, beetles, and leafhoppers. In the stomachs that contained crickets and longhorn grasshoppers, these items usually made up less than 25% of the contents, but in a few they comprised as much as 50%. One stomach contained only small flying ants and one contained only large ants. These workers speculated that while in flight the bats captured the ground-dwelling insects (crickets, longhorn grasshoppers, and large ants) by picking them from the walls of the cliffs.
Little is known about reproduction and development of the young in this bat. Seemingly, each gravid female gives birth to a single offspring in late June to early July. Development is rather rapid because by October the young-of-the-year are nearly full-grown and difficult to distinguish from adults. The females gather in nursery colonies, from which adult males are excluded, to rear their young.
This bat was formerly included in the genus Tadarida. See the account of N. femorosacca for an explanation of the use of the generic name Nyctinomops.
Reference: Bat Conservation International.
1 comment:
Hhhhm, komen apa yah?
Bingung deh. :D
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